Cultivate your potential. Find fulfillment.

My name is Cristina A. Martinez. I took coaching from Barbara Doctor, and it simply transformed the way I see my future. For me, the way my sessions worked, if I had to give an example, would be like making a painting. Barbara helped me DEFINE what the landscape I wanted to paint was. She helped me CHOOSE the right paints and canvas and led me by the hand to WORK and start my own work of art.
In this life that moves so fast and where it seems that filling ourselves with information and good intentions is the way to achieve our goals, I would say that it is wonderful and essential to find someone who helps you focus on your real goals, organize all the information you have in your head, and make good intentions become realities. And that’s what Barbara Doctor does.
Cristina M.

Mi nombre es Cristina A. Martinez. Tome coaching con Barbara Doctor y simplemente transformó la forma de ver mi futuro. Para mi, la manera en que trabajé mis sesiones, si tuviera que dar un ejemplo, sería como hacer una pintura. Barbara me ayudó a DEFINIR cuál era el paisaje que yo quería pintar.
Me ayudó a ELEGIR las pinturas y canvas adecuados y me llevó de la mano a TRABAJAR y comenzar mi propia obra de arte. En esta vida que va tan rápido y donde pareciera que llenarnos de información y buenos deseos es la forma de alcanzar nuestras metas. Yo diría que es maravilloso y fundamental encontrar a alguien que te ayude a centrar tus objetivos reales, clasificar toda la información que tienes en tu cabeza y hacer que los buenos deseos se vuelvan realidades. Y eso es lo que hace Barbara Doctor.
Cristina M.

Barbara Doctor has been an invaluable asset in my professional journey. As a Master’s student in Public Health, I faced numerous challenges, from improving my English language skills to crafting a compelling resume and optimizing my LinkedIn profile. Barbara’s expertise and personalized coaching have been instrumental in overcoming these hurdles.
She has a unique ability to open doors to opportunities I never knew existed and to empower me by leveraging my passions. Her guidance has been pivotal in helping me find my professional path and preparing me for my first internship post-graduation. Barbara’s holistic approach and unwavering support have transformed my career outlook. I highly recommend her services to anyone looking to unlock their full potential.